Ryan Swanson Photo
You couldn't have known, no one did
She'll learn to tie it right
This is what the partner card is for
What were those stickers for anyway
Right through the middle
The one that had her shoes in it was better
winter when the subway is warm
We fell in love on a cruise
Sometimes it's good to be blindfolded.
The one by the jazz bar
Another breeze
Flat side on the wrong side
Once upon the aftermath
jackknife counteraction
Is your asshole brother behind this?
The robbers got away
The facts are still the same
It's good when you let go
Gold stars all around
Flat scope project
After the third Thursday of the month
Broken Promises are nothing new
I always look behind me
I thought it was for bush
Game with fighters
I am Ed Rusha
A forgotten hero never dies
I think the new one looks just like the old one
From when I was a teacher
When I used to be the person who saw this everyday
Take two
Hot face, wet legs
Retired, living in Florida together
landscape painting
It only happened once, never again
I can't believe I had to pay $8000 in taxes
Fourth grade social studies class
Sad no, powerful yes
Breathe into your right side
All the places
I hate it when you act like this
I'm so rich I avoid the sales sections
The best presentation I never gave
A rapid decline of events
Spotted problems lie with strangers
I'll take the one on the end
Rooms to frieze time in
Thats why they say bloke
Sometime before the fall
They are starting to ask questions
It's only temporary, but it's also forever
Out of the woods
Stop mumbling. Please just say what you mean
Flat but not forgotten
You can paint over it all you want. The ghost is still there
How are you going to do your best today
When it ends it just begins again
Angry walking six beers in
Thats why four year olds are the best
The other side of forty
Rustic Flatware
I'm quitting my job today
Happy day / sad day
A rectangle never flies by night
I'll take the one on the right
The DA is all over me about that blood report
It's between those two doors, there is a line
A picture perfect oasis on the 9th floor
Recently after the last time it rained
Remember criss cross
Dark tides roll in
When I found you it was forever
That one time in college
Love of my life
It was sensitive before
Things my yoga teacher says
Ask the Oracle
Plus size models are just regular people
I honestly didn't think they'd break up
Across the coals and down the slide
Forgotten but not disturbed
Stegosaurus fabuolus
oh god this wine is awful
It looks like california but it's not
Pretend the horseshoes aren't there and it's kind of great
Just a suggestion
Foggy mornings
If thats all you got...
up and over
It was hard to give up, but once gone I never missed it
True to temperament
Zag for Zig
Landing strip
I wouldn't call it that
Another thanksgiving has been ruined
Awkward Acquaintances
This is why I got fired
It's what you think it is
First jobs and low exceptions
It's just another set back, but we'll get through it
It's worse when there is no drama
It was a perfect landing
Sweating makes anything better
It's such a smart thing to say
The last time you run out of fabric
Worst day ever.
It's like that sculpture we saw in china
It's the only time I get to spend time alone with her
I really want a virtual reality headset thing
The right time isn't always the first time
Opposite tastes
It's fractured, but I'll be ok
Shoes, not shoes, shoes, not shoes
On the downside theres always more
I was the second runner up, but I didn't want to win
Theres always something you can do
Once when or never